Meeting In Style

Fashion Coach Vidhi

Happy Monday everyone! Since I’m not home very often, the weekend never feels long enough. Weekends are always great when spent with my family. Since it was Mothers day it was nice to spent time with family, friends and especially my Mom. Definitely there should be several more days dedicated to her. 🙂 It’s a brand new week ahead, lots of travelling and there will be lots happening which I can’t wait to share with you all….Exciting time ahead of us and to say the week is going to be busy is an understatement. Three more cities to go! Let’s do this!

Today I am going to share a look which you can don while you are running errands in the first half of the day and have to schedule a meeting while having your breakfast, or while you have scheduled a meeting over a brunch. I like to add little twist and turns while styling my outfits. This look of mine is super minimal and I call it ‘Formal Chic’! I chose this amazing wine colour Wills Lifestyle shirt which is just perfectly bright for a sunny day, paired it with ash colour Mango denims and a cotton silk scarf. Throwing light on my personal style here are my Hush Puppies leather heels. ❤

I am wearing Shirt: Wills Lifestyle, Denims: Mango, Feet: Hush Puppies.

A new season can mean a new start so, don’t let anything hold you back!





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