Every Women should know these skin care tips.

Every Women should know these skin care tips.

Being a woman can be hard but we all can feel beautiful with what we have. It is best to trust natural ingredients and homemade remedies for your skin, irrespective of whatever your age is. Use ingredients like milk, cream, honey, etc. for your skin care on regular basis. Did you know that harsh chemicals in soap, wash away the moisture from your skin? So, invest in a moisturizing body wash instead. Take lukewarm showers of five minutes or less to prevent pruning of skin. After-bath moisturizing creams are great for locking in moisture and must be applied daily. Check out these helpful hints for your beauty routine:

Exfoliate every week : Removing dead skin cells stimulates regrowth. And really, we all want to keep our “dead skin” to a minimum.

Wear sunscreen everyday: Did you know that even if your sunscreen is waterproof, you need to reapply every three or four hours? Your future face will thank you.

Use a bit of hemorrhoid cream under your eyes to help dark circles: Supposedly, it reduces puffiness.

Rub excess eye cream into your cuticles : You know what they always say: If your eyes are the windows to to your soul, then your cuticles are the drapes to your hands.

Regularly wash your makeup brushes: Those pesky little brushes can be the home to acne-causing bacteria. Do yourself a favor and keep ‘em clean.

Apply Perfume here: 1. Behind the ear 2. Base of throat 3. Inside wrist 4. Inside elbow 5. Behind knee.

Revamp your body routine now: It is important to maintain the cleansing, toning and moisturizing routine for your skin on daily basis.

Hair Care: There is no reason why your hair must suffer with age. Applying hair masks once a week, oiling every other day, and using the correct products will result in healthy lustrous hair. Add foods rich in iron, zinc, protein and vitamin D in your daily diet.

Food & Health regime : Healthy food will go a long way in ensuring that your skin and hair look fantastic, as well as keep you fit. Stay away from oily and spicy foods, and stick to fruits and green leafy vegetables. Exercise is a must in order to keep yourself fit. Walking, for example, is a wonderful way to detox the skin while reducing stress levels. 8 glasses of water daily is also good for flushing out toxins.

Hope you girls find this tips interesting. I shall discuss soon some homemade face packs that women of all ages can use. So, you can look forward to it 🙂 Please leave a comment how you feel about it, I’d love to hear from you.

Till then keep shining

❤ VP

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